Applications for the Main Stage are now open
We are also accepting performer applications for the
FUNtopia (Community Stage).
Please submit by May 1, 2025
Summer Solstice Celebration strives to curate a diverse lineup of musicians that will resonate with our community.
This year's musical performances will be on the Main Stage, Friday June 20, Saturday June 21 and Sunday June 22. There will be a DJ Area, and the CommUn Stage which will feature children's performances, ethnic music and dance, family entertainment. Ethnic musicians, dancers, young performers, performers for youths, story tellers, puppeteers, please fill out the form below with the following:
Musicians will be notified of acceptance no later than May 25th
Late applications will only be accepted if all musical slots are not filled by May 15. Notification will be made ON THIS PAGE if late applications are being accepted.
Your submission does not guarantee you a spot on the Summer Solstice Celebration stage lineup.
We look forward to sharing your musical talents with our community! For questions call 805-965-3396 or email artstaff@solsticeparade.com
Last years festival lineup, click here.