Support Summer Solstice Celebration
Support Santa Barbara Summer Solstice Celebration by making a secure online donation through PayPal.
When you click here you will be taken to the PayPal secure website to make your donation.
With all our hearts, thank you in advance!
Cash Donations
As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, the Santa Barbara Summer Solstice Celebration depends on the community to help fund the largest creative arts event in Santa Barbara. Solstice brings much prosperity to our city, with numerous out-of-town guests filling local hotels, restaurants, and businesses. As a donation-based organization, with your support, we can staff our artists and technical support, as well as purchase our supplies from local businesses where we spend tens of thousands of dollars each year.
To make a tax-deductible donation to Solstice, you can send a check to Summer Solstice Celebration, Inc., PO Box 21141, Santa Barbara, CA 93121-1141.
Summer Solstice Celebration, Inc., Tax ID #77-0004190
Other Ways to Support
Material and Supplies Donations
Cold & hot glue sticks, Feathers, Pipe Cleaners, Wire, Casting glue, Old metal frame backpacks
Fabric scissors, Pinking shears, Ironing board in good condition, Ironing board covers, Fake fur, clear plastic storage boxes 15-18 gal, White board, Bulletin board
Lumber in following sizes (or longer):
• 2”x2”x8’
• 2”x6”x10’
• 2”x4”x8’
Plywood in the following thicknesses:
• 3/4”
• CDX 1/2 “ or 3/8”
PVC piping over 8”, Aluminum pool cleaning poles, Rosen paper,
250-300 lb. castors (fixed and spinning), Bamboo (lengths over 6’),
500’ rope (3/4” nylon or close to that)
Paint & foam brushes in various sizes (disposable), Light-weight spackle,
Wallpaper paste (5 gallon size )
Multi-temp glue guns, Cordless 18volt driver/drills & drill bit sets, Socket sets (basic) & Pallet bit sets, T50 staples, Aero T50 Staple guns, Small generator, Small compressor, Angle grinder
Cordless jigsaw 18 volt, Cordless skill saw 18 volt, 12” multi-angle chop saw, Saw blades 2-8-1/2, 7 –10”, 3-7-1/4”/skill type, Freud multi-material saw blade
Drywall screws (3”, 2-1/2” and 1-1/4” long), 1/2”x 2” bolts, Washers & nuts, Long bolts over 2” with washers & nuts, Lag screws over 3” (hex head 1/2” or 7/16”)
Back Pack Frames
New Mac Book Pro
Collapsible Dolly
Small step stool or folding ladder
Industrial shelving
Plastic bins with Lids
Metal Trunks
If you have any questions about making material donations, please e-mail us at solstice@solsticeparade.com or call the Solstice Office at (805) 965-3396.

You can donate on parade day too!!
Each year there is a float that collects money for the parade. The float has an announcer and money collectors. Look for the giant sun in a top hat and make a contribution!